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When I'm tired of suffering/harrrd,

I'm always human-wisdom-dependent, in need of fresh conviction of sin by the Spirit, so I'm freshly dead to my human-wisdom and the human-wisdom of others, curious/expectant to see what Jesus does NEXT in me, others, circumstances, enjoying everyone just as we are, and everything just as it is, all according to His genius plan.

The nicest thing Jesus ever does for me, is to have His Spirit freshly EXPOSE to me, my human-wisdom-dependency, so I can CONFESS and momentarily experience a blissful taste of Heaven. Ahhh.

And when confession doesn't lead to bliss? Yet more unrecognized-and-unconfessed sin that the Spirit needs to show me. Helps me to ask for the Spirit afresh -- fresh conviction of sin/idolatry. Might claim the promise of Lk 11 that if we ask for the Spirit, He'll give us His Spirit afresh.

And I've learned that when I feel lousy physiologically, I lower my expectations for blissful. Still confess, but not much bliss.

-- Dave McCarty, GospelFriendships, who has little hope for the seculars around him while he's human-wisdom-dependent, just like them

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