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Two kinds of wisdom

in Proverbs. Biblical-wisdom and human-wisdom, and most of us assume there is only ONE kind of wisdom, so we get confused reading Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Proverbs 3:7 says, "Do not be wise in your own eyes." Human-wisdom. Biblical-wisdom is believing I have no wisdom worth leaning on, but that Jesus DOES. Jesus-dependency. Biblical-wisdom is cluelessness-I-know-what's-best, but confident Jesus DOES. Same thing as humility.

Human-wisdom is confidence-I-know-what's-best. Same thing as pride. The foundation of Solomon's meaningless achievements. Human-wisdom thinks it knows what's best, and knows how to try and direct the CreatorSustainer of the Universe through prayer. Human-wisdom is what guides all Christians I know, including DAVE, throughout the day. On really BIG decisions we MIGHT come to Jesus for His direction, but for most medium and small decisions we rely on our human-wisdom. And this is why we are so joyless and peaceless unless things momentarily go our way. And unfruitful with seculars. We're just like the seculars around us. Agendafied. Human-wisdom is lord, not Jesus. No wonder the Church is so saltless and impotent in our day.

How can we tell the difference between the two kinds of wisdom? Context in Scripture.

So, how do we get biblical-wisdom? Each time the Spirit opens our eyes to see our human-wisdom-dependency, CONFESS. Over time, as the Spirit works, we typically get more-and-more disillusioned with our human-wisdom.

-- Dave McCarty, GospelFriendships

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