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  • Writer's pictureweakdave

The purpose of CONFESSion is not

to get ChristianDave freshly right with God, but it’s to clear my conscience, give me the other-worldly peace that is vastly superior to the kind of peace experienced by human-wisdom-reliants, whether Christian or nonChristian. DaddyJesusSpirit could not possibly love me more than He does, because of Jesus and His imputed worthiness. His unconditional love for me has nothing to do with MY performance, and everything to do with Jesus’ performance.

Fresh conviction leading to fresh CONFESSion, is the starting place for fresh faith. Ahhh. Tis so sweet to experience the benefit of Jesus in THIS life, not merely the NEXT. He who has a fresh sense of having been forgiven much, LOVES much — others, self, Jesus and His genius plan.

I don’t always CONFESS when freshly convicted of sin/idolatry to which I’ve been blind — sometimes I THANK Him for my being such a mess, such a great example of a bad example, all part of His genius plan that’s still unfolding. My human-wisdom HATES me CONFESSing or THANKing, wants me ignoring my weaknesses, focusing on the weaknesses of others, and my successes, so I feel good about myself based on MY performance, or others’ poor performance. He who suppresses or ignores sin/idolatry — or imagines himself following Jesus, obeying Him, carries a heavy load without even realizing it.

— Dave McCarty, GospelFriendships

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