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The knee-jerk reaction

of a human-wisdom-dependent is to jump in and fix the problem. The knee-jerk reaction of a Jesus-dependent is to be curious and expectant to see what SovereignShepherdJesus does NEXT, in the dependent, others, circumstances. Eyes and thoughts fixed on Jesus. Humble. Content. Without agenda, unless Jesus directs.

What can human-wisdom-dependents do? CONFESS unbelief in Jesus' sovereignty, dislike of being a pathetic dependent, and dissatisfaction with Him and His genius plan. Ahhh. Honest confession leads to the peace that bigtime surpasses the kind of peace experienced by human-wisdom-dependents. And if it doesn't, there is more to CONFESS that we haven't yet seen. ASK for the Spirit to freshly convict of any blindness.

--Dave McCarty, GospelFriendships, prideful malcontent, and master fixer, of others and DAVE

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