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  • Writer's pictureweakdave

How to get more amazing grace.

Grace flows downhill to the lowly/needy who know they are needy: sinners/failures/losers who know they are sinners/failures/losers.  Not uphill to the strong/confident/superior.  But this grace is impossible for us mortals to orchestrate.

So how can I get more grace?  Ask Him, and if it helps you believe, claim the promise of Luke 11, that if we ask for the Spirit, He will give us the Spirit: fresh conviction of sin, fresh death to my agenda, fresh Jesus-dependency, fresh enjoyment of Jesus, others, myself and my circumstances.

–WeakDave, who qualifies for grace, because folks have been praying for fresh conviction of sin in his life (please keep praying, so pre-believers will want this amazing grace for themselves)

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