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  • Writer's pictureweakdave

Helps me so much,

when I see the wickedness/evil of my independence, because otherwise, I tend to think of myself as not so bad, tend to be more focused on the weaknesses/sins of others, tend not to see my dissatisfaction with Jesus and His performance imputed to me, tend to not feel keenly the need for a SaviorShepherd, tend to not have a sense of having been forgiven much, and therefore tend to not love much — Jesus and others, especially pre-believers, and especially ones with values vastly different from my own.

Nicest, sweetest, kindest thing He ever does for us kids of His, is to freshly convict us of our sin of independence/wickedness/evil, so we are freshly overwhelmed by Jesus, experiencing the ecstasy of His unconditional love for the likes of us.

–ShepherdDave, needing prayer to return to his Shepherd and embrace being lowly DumbSheepDave (please pray now)

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