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Every human is addicted

to human-wisdom, but who even realizes it? What’s so bad about a Christian being addicted to human-wisdom? We are not dependent on Jesus, but on our human-wisdom. Jesus is not Lord of our lives — our human-wisdom is. So we operate with human-wisdom and its human-power. No wonder the Church is so saltless and impotent in our day, so dismissed by the seculars around us, so we’re seed cast on thorny soil that does not reproduce. And driven, intense, stressed, self-absorbed, like seculars.

Being addicted to Jesus and His wisdom provides an other-worldly peace vastly superior to the circumstance-dependent, human-wisdom peace of seculars. And of us CHRISTIANS. And provides an other-worldly-power that is vastly superior to the human-power of seculars. And of us CHRISTIANS. Being addicted to Jesus and His wisdom/power, enables Christians to be as fruitful with seculars as Christians in the early chapters of Acts. Contagion. Happiest, most-reproducing Christians in history. Fearlessly humble.

Awareness of the problem, is half the solution. If the Spirit doesn’t open our eyes to the extent of our human-wisdom-dependence, nothing will change. A lack of self-awareness in the Church is the greatest hindrance to a widespread awakening in our day, seems to me.

So, how can we become addicted to Jesus? Try harder to depend on Him better, believe better? No! Faith/dependency/fruitfulness is a gift from Above. What we CAN do is CONFESS our INdependency/human-wisdom-reliance, our unbelief in His sovereign reign over every detail of our lives, our lack of curiosity and expectancy about what SovereignShepherdJesus might do NEXT, in us, others, circumstances. CONFESSion is the pathway to happiness, health, and fruitfulness with seculars, seems to me.

— Dave McCarty, GospelFriendships, promoting Gospel-awareness, self-awareness and sovereignty-awareness to Christians — especially DAVE, that Christians might be fruitful with seculars

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