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  • Writer's pictureweakdave

An ingrate believer,

has been forgiven much by DaddyJesusSpirit, and has the perfect, precious, pricey righteousness of Jesus imputed to him, but — wants something more.  An ingrate believer is unsatisfied with Jesus and His righteousness, wants some righteousness/performance/worthiness of his own, so he can feel good about himself.  IngrateDave.

Grace is for ingrates who know they are ingrates, flows downhill to the ingrates at the lowly sinner’s place at the foot of the Cross.  Does not flow uphill to the together, strong, successful, proud.  Grace is for losers who know they are losers, accept themselves as losers, enjoy themselves as losers.  Needing no worthiness of their own.  Grace is not good news to winners, the worthy, the proud, who have much to lose.  Jesus came for the sick, not the healthy.

–IngrateDave, confessing more, and more in love with Jesus, because folks have been praying

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