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Satan doesn’t want me to see,

the sickness of the Church, but once I see it, he changes his strategy, tempting me to feel good about myself for my insight, smug in my superior and radical commitment, tempting me to self-righteously go about trying to make a difference as a radical, in the power of me.  Like the Pharisees: so confident, so right, so strong.  My flesh loves this confidence.  I am no threat to the enemy’s kingdom when I operate by human power, self-confidence, independence, even though I use the name of Jesus while doing so.  I can proclaim the Gospel in radical fashion all I want, and live in radical fashion all I want, but there will be tiny conversion fruit as an independent/adultlike operating by human power.   Pre-believers are not wowed, convicted, when I operate by human power, like them.  They don’t say to me, “Surely God is with you and there is no other; there is no other God.”  Isa 45:14

But by human power I can gather other human-powered believers to follow me.  Way easier to influence believers than to see pre-believers converted, especially the turned-off.  Humility, childlikeness, fruitfulness, is a product of the Spirit, not something I generate.  No credit to me.  Only to Jesus.

–DumbSheepDave, freshly contrite for the moment, because folks have been praying, but no predictions for an hour from now

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