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One of my big besetting sins

is feeling alone, though I’m typically unaware of it.  Living as though Jesus is not totally sovereign over my life, so I NEED TO BE, so I’m NOT curious and expectant to see what He does NEXT, in me, others, circumstances, but feel like the challenges I face are UP TO DAVE, that I’m MY problem, not Jesus’ problem.

My other big besetting sin that contributes to my feeling alone, is my confidence-I-know-what’s-best.  I never feel alone when I’m clueless-I-know-what’s-best, because then I’m looking to Jesus, who does know best.

–Dave McCarty, GospelFriendships, with the weight of the world on his shoulders, except when he’s been freshly convicted of the sin of unbelief/independence/worldliness/pride/confidence-he-knows-what’s-best, so he might momentarily be DumbSheepDave, enjoying the bliss of carefree living rooted in Jesus-dependency, liberated about being pitied for his cluelessness-about-what’s-best, without a defensive bone in his body, so the seculars around him might experience the other-worldly humility and other-worldly love of Jesus

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