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  • Writer's pictureweakdave

Forgive me for being in awe

of human somebodiness instead of You.  Or being just as awed by human somebodiness and their awesome creations, as I am of You.  And being just as interested in my own accomplishing/somebodiness, as I am of You and Your accomplishments/Somebodiness.  Thank You for exposing my idolatry to me.  Thank You that the nicest, sweetest, kindest thing You ever do for us kids of Yours, is to freshly convict us of the sin of independence/pride/critic – the sin of being unsatisfied with You, Jesus, and Your imputed somebodiness/worthiness/righteousness.

–DumbSheepDave, enjoying momentary bliss, because of the Shepherd’s Spirit convicting him of the sin of independence, wondering if the pre-believers around him are noticing the difference his Shepherd is making in his life in 2014

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