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  • Writer's pictureweakdave

Better than asking for fresh faith,

is CONFESSing my unbelief in His sovereign reign over my life, and the genius plan/story He has scripted for all of us, from before the beginning of time.  It’s more honest/humiliating to CONFESS than to ask.  ProudDave can ask for yet-more faith without admitting his failure to believe/trust/rest.  CONFESSion is a means of grace, the way to get grace/power on my life.  God opposes the proud/strong/confident-he-knows-what’s-best, but gives grace/power to the humble/weak/meek, the confessor.

And the Gospel-discipline of THANKing Him for everything, including the harrrd — the stuff my flesh HATES, is useful in reminding me of His sovereignty, and I always need reminding that it’s not UP TO DAVE, and that I dunno-what’s-best, but He does.  Helps me be curious and expectant to see what He does NEXT, in me others, circumstances.  Ahhh.

—CuriousExpectantDave, for the moment, because of the Spirit’s fresh convicting work, wondering if the nonbelievers around him are noticing a difference

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