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Two kinds of Christians.

With joy, and without joy. Watch-it-happen Christians, and make-it-happen Christians. DEpendent Christians and INdepenent Christians. Christians with eyes and thoughts fixed on Jesus to see what He does NEXT, in them, others, circumstances, and Christians with eyes and thoughts fixed on circumstances. Thankful-for-everything Christians, and thankful-when-things-go-our-way Christians. Sovereignty-focused Christians, and circumstance-focused Christians. Christians who assess nothing and no one -- enjoying everyone just as we are, and Christians who constantly assess everything and everyone -- critics of everyone and everything, and fixers of everyone and everything. Humble Christians, and proud Christians.

We pridefilled, make-it-happen Christians are to be pitied above all humans, for we have not the benefit of Jesus in THIS life, even though we are impressive at human accomplishment. But failures at conversion growth. We are seed cast on thorny soil, choked by the cares of this world, so we do not reproduce. BORING to the seculars around us.

What can we DO? CONFESS, each time the Spirit makes us AWARE of our human-wisdom-dependency. Ahhh.

-- Dave McCarty, GospelFriendships, freshly grateful that grace is for failures whose eyes are opened by the Spirit to see their failures

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