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The nicest thing Jesus ever does for me

is to EXPOSE my unbelief to me, especially my unbelief in His sovereign reign over every detail of every life.  EXPOSE my INdependency to me — my feeling ALONE, UP TO DAVE.  Ahhhh, so relieving to CONFESS my unbelief.  The pressure I was feeling EVAPORATES.  Jack Miller once told his wife Rose Marie that the starting place for faith, is conviction of sin.  Such a helpful concept to me ever since I heard that, many years ago.  So when I feel stuck, distant from Jesus, it’s so helpful to ask for the Spirit afresh, sometimes claiming the promise in Luke 11, that if we ask for the Spirit, He will give us the Spirit.  I’ve found it helpful to surrender the timetable, when the prayer is answered.

— Dave McCarty, GospelFriendships, thankful afresh for the convicting work of Jesus’ Spirit, wondering if the seculars around him are noticing the difference at times

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