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The news nourishes my human-wisdom,

causing me to feel ALONE and in CHARGE of my life. The news is not Jesus-centric, but human-wisdom-centric, so the news is dangerous to my Jesus-dependency, my happiness. The news undermines the peace and joy that OUGHTABE mine in Jesus. So I can only take news in small doses, together with LARGE doses of being reminded of Who’s in charge, and that humans only SEEM to be in charge. All the news today is about COVID-19, and scary — not just for the pandemic implications, but for the coming Greater Depression around the world, following the greatest debt binge in the history of the world.

I can only handle small doses of the news. I need LARGE doses of the reality informed by Scripture — that Jesus is totally in charge, that I dunno what’s best, but He does, that human-wisdom-dependency delivers despair, while Jesus-dependency delivers sanity, peace, joy, even in the midst of the worst crisis imaginable.

Jesus-dependency, faith, is a gift from Above. I cannot generate it from within. I get zero credit for any fresh faith, Jesus-dependency I experience. The starting place for fresh faith, is fresh conviction of the sin of unbelief that Jesus is in charge, is worthy of my trust. The nicest, kindest, sweetest, most-loving thing He ever does for us kids of His, is to freshly convict us of the sin to which we’re blind. So we can CONFESS, and be freshly at peace, so we have what it takes to unconditionally love those around us, especially the hard to love.

— Dave McCarty, GospelFriendships

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