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  • Writer's pictureweakdave

Intellectually, I embrace the sovereignty of Jesus,

but emotionally, I want easIER circumstances, a more-normal life. Whyzat? Because my emotions are usually more influenced by my human-wisdom than by Scripture. My human-wisdom and the human-wisdom of others, would have me believe that I OUGHT to be able to fix myself -- figgerout how to make my circumstances easIER. But human-wisdom-dependency is not the pathway to happiness -- to being joyful and peaceful regardless of circumstances. Only Jesus-dependency does that. A Jesus-dependent doesn't know what's best or worst, but trusts his/her SovereignShepherdJesus knows. And will deliver.

Whadda I do when I'm freshly AWARE of my human-wisdom-dependency? My unbelief? CONFESS. Ahhh.

-- Dave McCarty, GospelFriendships, not a great practicer of what he preaches

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