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I love saying “So WHAT?”

to the things that matter to my flesh, and the world around me.  Dave’sFlesh and the worldlies around me dunno nuttin about how to deliver happiness to Dave.  But they sure THINK they do.  And they are convincing, COMPELLING.  They use every one of my idols against me, tempting me to look to my idols instead of Jesus, for LIFE.  So it helps me enormously to say out loud — or internally, “So WHAT?” when I recognize one of my idols working on me, pressuring me to perform with excellence, or notice weakness in others, so I feel good about myself apart from Jesus.  The more self-aware I am, the harder it is for my idols to influence my life.  I can’t CONFESS what I don’t see.

— Dave McCarty, GospelFriendships, championing Gospel-awareness, self-awareness, and sovereignty-awareness, in hopes that Jesus will be the biggest deal in the lives of Christians, so the seculars around us might be wowed and want what we have

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