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  • Writer's pictureweakdave

Do I have a contagious love for Jesus?

That causes other believers and pre-believers around me, to want what I have, because He’s so awesome that nothing else hardly matters to me?  So I have an other-worldly humility, and an other-worldly love for others, especially those whose values are opposite of mine?  So I operate in out-of-character-for-Dave kinda ways?  Self-forgetting/uninhibited?

Or is my faith saltless, impotent, my love lukewarm?

How does one get fresh faith: that contagious-kinda love for Jesus?   I don’t see it starting as a cognitive/intellectual thing: not something I will into being: not something for which I get glory.   Faith is something granted.   A God-thing.  From the Spirit via fresh conviction of sin, especially the sin of indifference/dissatisfaction with Jesus and His righteousness imputed to me, wanting some of my own: wanting to feel good about Dave’s performance, as a believer, hubby, father, friend, Gospel-centric discipler, writer, lover-of-pre-believers, investor, manager-of-his-health-issues.  All good things.   But usually distractions for me.  From being captivated by the Lover of my soul.  So my love for Him is contagious.

–LukeWarmDave, needing prayer so he’s freshly wowed by Jesus, head-over-heels in love with Jesus, can’t stop thinking about Jesus, so the pre-believers around him are wowed and want what he has (please pray now)

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